>Our goal is to find a strategy for your personal health together<

Welcome to my medical practice for orthopaedics, general medicine, gut health and osteopathy.

My team and I have set ourselves the task of finding the root of your problems and complaints and improving them with a holistic and sustainable therapy. The fusion of conventional medicine with various complementary medicine approaches helps us to understand the causes and develop a therapy strategy with you.

My practice focuses on holistic orthopaedics and gut health. The two complement each other wonderfully, because many of the problems we face in modern civilization in general, and especially in the orthopaedic field, lie hidden in the health of the gut.  

In principle, everyone is responsible for keeping their own body healthy. We often lack the knowledge or the ability to bring our own body to optimum health and thus avoid illness. My team and I are there for you on this prevention and recovery journey. Comprehensive blood and stool analyses support us in the detection of your problem.

Markus Tanzmeister

Osteopathic treatment methods consider the body as a whole. The cause of pain is often not at the point where the pain is felt. Taking into account all the structures of the body (soft structures, organs, craniosacral system, etc.) it is possible not only to treat the symptoms but to address the cause of the pain.

Spiral dynamics views the body as a complex three-dimensional system. These three-dimensional movement patterns give our body stability. By analyzing these patterns conclusions can be drawn about incorrect loads, which can be corrected through therapy and targeted exercises. 

Our modern-day lifestyle has changed our posture and not necessarily for the better. There is an increased incidence of back pain, often originating in the pelvic area.
Fit Back Therapy aims to correct pelvic problems, thus in turn training the spine in order to improve posture. The success of Fit Back Therapy is defined in different steps.

We will be happy to help you!

We will be happy to help you! –

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